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Platform Introduction

Objectives and Philosophy
  • The Research and Technology Development Platform is committed to implementing government data governance, promoting cross-domain technology integration, strengthening technical support capabilities, building up research and development capacity, and conducting various attempts at various public-private partnerships in the future. The Research and Technology Development Platform is committed to implementing government data governance, promoting cross-domain technology integration, strengthening technical support capabilities, building up research and development capacity, and conducting various attempts at various public-private partnerships in the future.
  • About us : Research and Technology Development Platform (RTDP), which belongs to ARDSWC, has established in May, 2016.
    The main objective of RTDP is to build a core center with forward-looking strategies, technics and data of disaster prevention in ARDSWC.
    Furthermore, RTDP is also expected to be a communication platform of government-industry-university-institute for soil and water conservation and disaster prevention in Taiwan.
    For anyone interest in our works, sincerely invite you to join us!
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