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Links@Foreign Countries
No. Site name Introduction
1 The portal of the geomorphology Research Group (Italy) Research Institute for Hydrological and Geological Hazard Prevention (I.R.P.I.), National Research Council, Italy
2 The Landslide Blog This blog provides commentary and analysis of landslide events occurring worldwide, including the landslides themselves, latest research, and conferences and meetings.
3 Hong Kong Slope safety The website provides disaster prevention information and documents.
4 Civil Engineering and Development Department (Hong Kong) This is Hong Kong Civil Engineering and Development Department official website, there are technical documents available for download.
5 GEM Global Active Faults The GEM Global Active Faults project is compiling a global dataset of active faults for seismic hazard assessment as well as research, education and general interest.
6 Public Works Research Institute (Japan) One of Japanese official research institutes, and among the institutes, Tsukuba Central Research Institute has a sediment management research group.
7 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management , MLIT (Japan) National institute of Japan for sediment disaster research.
8 Water and Disaster Management Bureau, MLIT (Japan) The technical regulation which is issued by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism about river and sediment disaster prevention is available for download.
9 Active Fault Database of Japan This website contains information of active faults in Japan, sorted by the concept of "behavioral segments" [McCalpin, 1996]. Each fault is subdivided into behavioral segments based on surface trace geometry and rupture history revealed by paleoseismic studies. Faults shown on the index map are linked to a database of behavioral segments, which contains information of geologic and paleoseismic parameters including slip rate, slip per event, recurrence interval, and calculated rupture probability in the future.
10 Disaster Management in Japan, Cabinet Office Japan (Japan) The technical guidance is available for download on this website.
11 Latest Earthquakes map and list (past 24 hours, M2.5+) The USGS monitors and reports on earthquakes, assesses earthquake impacts and hazards, and conducts targeted research on the causes and effects of earthquakes.
12 USGS U.S. Geological Survey
13 Sentinel playground It is a platform which allows people to search the satellite imagery which is transmitted from Satellite Sentinel 2.
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